
Since the 1950's, The UGA Wesley Foundation has been your congregation's campus ministry at the University of Georgia. Our mission has always been to reach all students with The Gospel, especially those who have come from a Methodist home church.
The recent split in the UMC hasn't changed our theology or our mission; we remain committed to teaching the authority of scripture and traditional Biblical values as they relate to sexual behavior.
We would be honored to continue to be your campus ministry here at The University of Georgia.

Our Weekly Averages

Since 2020, our attendance has grown steadily each year. This academic year, we have seen the Lord fill our services with students who have a hunger to know and worship Jesus. 

Students in Services

We are averaging over 950 students in our services each week. This includes 575 students at our Wesley services and 375 students at our Freshley service for first year students. 

Students in Small Groups

Roughly 450 students are involved in weekly small groups. This includes 375 students in Freshley small groups and 75 students in Wesley small groups. 

Students in Discipleship

So far this year 415 students have been paired for  discipleship. These students will meet with an older student or ministry intern for one on one spiritual mentorship. 
For these college students, UGA Wesley provides the foundation for a lifetime of continued spiritual growth, service, and leadership in the church.  Through your apportionments, your congregation has long supported our ministry.

But, with the loss of much of the support we once received from the Commission on Higher Ed, we need your help.

How You Can Help

Would you consider asking your congregation to continue the partnership we've long had in reaching The University of Georgia with the Gospel and forming them into the next generation of leaders the church so desperately needs?

We're suggesting that churches consider supporting us on a monthly basis, perhaps on the order of $100 - $250/month.  But we would be grateful for any support your congregation feels led to give.

As you commit to us, our commitment to you is that we will continue to teach the truths that we have always taught.