Choosing to Love
June 25th, 2021
“If you love me, keep my commands.” John 14:15Do you believe in soul mates? Please don’t hate me for this, but I don’t. I promise I don’t hate love. I promise.There are a few reasons why I am the way ...  Read More
by Devon Radford
Perfection vs. Obedience
June 23rd, 2021
For most of my life, I followed all rules without question. If there weren’t clear expectations or guidelines in a certain area, I would construct them myself. Constant responsibility and obedience we...  Read More
by Devon Radford
Delicately Crave Depth
June 18th, 2021
Earlier this year, God gave me the phrase, “Delicately crave depth.” I thought it was beautiful, but didn’t know what the context was surrounding it or how to interpret it.These past six months have b...  Read More
by Devon Radford
June 9th, 2021
I would consider myself a homebody. I like to be home, I like to be by myself at home, I like to do things at home. Home is where I know I can feel comfortable regardless of the situation. But is bein...  Read More
by Devon Radford
Balance through Obedience
June 4th, 2021
According to the dictionary, balance is (n) a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions or (v) offset or compare the value of (one thing) with another. But how can ...  Read More
by Devon Radford
June 3rd, 2021
It is one of my favorite rhythms of life, not just for what it gives me but for what it reveals within me. Rest forces me to wrestle with my propensity to find my identity from my work and not my God....  Read More
by Devon Radford
Balance in Personal Responsibility
June 2nd, 2021
To be completely real, this topic is hard for me to even begin to unpack because it’s a genuine struggle for me to find balance. While it is a daily fight for me to find balance, it’s also something I...  Read More
by Devon Radford
Celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Month
May 13th, 2021
What does AAPI month mean to you? AAPI month is about celebrating Asian and Pacific Islanders who have made history in the U.S but it's also celebrating the AAPIs right here in our own community. It's...  Read More
by Devon Radford
Pain, Perspective, and Truth
May 7th, 2021
When I was asked to write a blog entry for Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, I wasn’t sure where to start when talking about my experience as an Asian American living in the United S...  Read More
by Devon Radford
April 26th, 2021
Every person on Earth was created for a world of beauty that we can't completely understand or see with our own eyes. Our soul longs for it. Our Spirit searches for it in everything that we do; in eve...  Read More
by Devon Radford
The Lens of Eternity
April 19th, 2021
Psalm 30 verse 5 says, “For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” The idea of pain in the night, but joy i...  Read More
by Devon Radford
April 19th, 2021
For so long, the word transition felt to me like a more gentle way of saying, “abrupt life change.” Growing up, my dad was constantly being transferred to different locations for his job, and I lived ...  Read More
by Devon Radford