The Goal of the Internship Program
The Wesley Internship Program is designed to make disciples that make disciples. Our heart for this program is that you would grow in your knowledge of the Lord’s love, your ability to hear His voice, and your faith in the Spirit’s power. And that as that happens, you would enable others to do the same. The Four Core Values of the Wesley Internship are INTIMACY with God, COMMUNITY with believers, MISSION to the world around us, and FUN in all things.
The fuel that drives us to create and sustain this Internship Program is simple: we want you to freely receive and freely give. We don’t just focus on what you can give, we also focus on what we can give you! In fact, one of our primary wins - the thing that we celebrate the most and strive for at all times - is that we would give you more than you give us. Our intent is not to use you, but to create environments and experiences that will enrich, equip, and refresh you. Success is measured by both you being effective as a member of the Wesley staff AND you leaving your time with us a more whole, healthy, confident follower of Jesus than when you started.
A desire or call to pursue full-time vocational ministry in the future is not a requirement. This program is designed to benefit anyone who wants to know God deeper and make Him known to the world. Our hope for every intern is that they would leave more equipped and empowered to do whatever God has for them in the future.
The fuel that drives us to create and sustain this Internship Program is simple: we want you to freely receive and freely give. We don’t just focus on what you can give, we also focus on what we can give you! In fact, one of our primary wins - the thing that we celebrate the most and strive for at all times - is that we would give you more than you give us. Our intent is not to use you, but to create environments and experiences that will enrich, equip, and refresh you. Success is measured by both you being effective as a member of the Wesley staff AND you leaving your time with us a more whole, healthy, confident follower of Jesus than when you started.
A desire or call to pursue full-time vocational ministry in the future is not a requirement. This program is designed to benefit anyone who wants to know God deeper and make Him known to the world. Our hope for every intern is that they would leave more equipped and empowered to do whatever God has for them in the future.

"Freely you have received; freely give."
Matthew 10:8